Links and references

Learn more

More about the project


in English

in German


Data access

All data consolidated as part of this project are available as linked open data on Wikidata and FactGrid.


The central place to find queer content on Wikidata is WikiProject LGBT. There are lists, for example, of LGBT-related media, LGBT museums or LGBT archives - and much more. More complex queries can be found there, as well as lists and suggestions for data models), in order to find a uniform approach.


The starting point to explore Remove NA on FactGrid is the project page, including many queries.

Knowledge Graphs

Papers, Books


  • Linked Data Engineering: Online Course. Basics of RDF(s), Ontologies, querying with SPARQL, by Harald Sack, Professor for Information Services Engineering at FIZ Karlsruhe, free of charge



Technische Anleitungen und Tutorials

Queer Data and queer history