Munich as the center of Bavarian LGBT history

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Munich is the geographical center of the Remove NA project. Of course, international or nationally relevant events, persons and organizations are also included, if it arises, and especially Berlin of the 1920s plays a role again and again. Nevertheless, due to the connection to the Forum Queeres Archiv München and the knowledge bearers there, there is a clear focus on Munich and Bavaria.

Events in Munich over time

In this timeline all events that happened in Munich are arranged chronologically. This chronicle was compiled by Albert Knoll, Linda Strehl and Christine Schäfer.

Operation: Please scroll and link

The timeline does not show all events at first sight. Please scroll within the module, it goes way down.
If you click on a blue link, you will get to the corresponding entry at FactGrid.

Munich places with a queer context

If you think about the LGBTIQ* scene in Munich, a lot of it takes place in the Glockenbackviertel, south of the Altstadt. This is also clearly visible on the maps that can be created from the data.

This map shows where in Munich the above events took place.

Navigation on the map: Red dots

Each red dot represents the location of an event. If you click on it, you can see which one it is.

Blue font stands for a link: Clicking on it will take you to the entry in FactGrid.

In some places there were several events. If you click on such a point, they fan out.

Venues with LGBTIQ* audiences.

The map below shows venues with LGBTIQ* audiences, most of which had gay men as their audience. Important: The list is not exhaustive.